Transform Your Life with Beyond Migraine: Inspiring Success Stories of Jessica and Brigitte

Adriane Dellorco

August 1, 2024

Transform Your Life with Beyond Migraine: Inspiring Success Stories of Jessica and Brigitte

Here’s a true story of how two of my Beyond Migraine clients, Jessica and Brigitte, overcame great migraine obstacles to meet each other in real life at an aqua aerobics class.

Where Jessica started:

When Jessica first joined Beyond Migraine last year, she was depressed and exhausted from living with New Daily Persistent Headache (NDPH) disorder, a rare and difficult to treat headache disorder.

Jessica had no energy to do anything, spending countless hours watching TV everyday and living a totally sedentary life.

She lived in fear that any physical activity would flare her symptoms.

Where Brigitte started:

When Brigitte first joined Beyond Migraine last year, she was completely disabled with severe Vestibular Migraine and was rarely able to leave the house.

“I had tried many times through the years to start moving again. But because of my vestibular migraine EVERYTHING made me dizzy, for days. So naturally I just quit moving,” recalls Brigitte.

After living with severe Vestibular Migraine for decades, Brigitte was unable to do basic tasks like washing her hair or getting in a car without her dizziness kicking in full force.

Where they are now:

Jessica and Brigitte persisted in Beyond Migraine, and have made enormous strides in the last year.

Jessica literally went from the couch to doing 10K races, something she never thought was possible with her debilitating headache disorder before Beyond Migraine.

Brigitte went from being unable to unload the dishwasher, to regularly reporting being able to do activities that she hadn’t done in years: cooking, cleaning, practicing yoga and so much more.

She says, “One of the best things about all this is the renewed HOPE for continued improvement. And I am moving again!! Hurray!”

How they met in real life:

Which brings me to the story of how these two headache and migraine warriors met in-person to attend an aqua aerobics class together.

On one of our alumni calls, Jessica shared her challenge of not being able to train for her 10K races in the brutal summer heat and was pondering an aqua aerobics class instead.

When I suggested she and Brigitte do it together (they live close to each other), they both seemed very hesitant about being able to do it.

When you’re living with an invisible disability, going out often requires thinking through so many obstacles.

“Will my bathing suit even fit?” “What if I don’t feel well?” “It’s so hot just driving in the car!”

But with some gentle nudging, lo and behold, Jessica and Brigitte made it happen. Every week, in fact.

To a person off the street this might not sound like a big win, but as their coach who knows everything they have been through, I feel like they just summited Mt. Everest!

[Quote from Jessica about being able to increase her physical activity with Beyond Migraine]

Both Jessica and Brigitte have come so far: they’re more physically active, more social and able to function more independently day to day.

How to improve your life with migraine:

Jessica and Brigitte are committed to improving their health with patience, consistency and baby steps for the long run.

Brigitte shared, “I still have far to go, but this pool adventure is massive. It’s a blast and certainly a huge uplift for my spirits.”

Sometimes healing takes time, but when you look back at where you were a year ago, you see how far you’ve come.

I would love to help you be in a better place a year from now- with less migraine attacks, more physical activity and more joy.

​​Let’s talk about how to get you in there in a personalized Insight Call.​​

You can get started in Beyond Migraine for $300/month. 50% scholarships are available for those who qualify.

I can’t wait to see where you’ll be a year from now!


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